segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2013


Not far from the tree
By Mariana de Viveiros
They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. So, the son of a circus performer is likely to be also an artist himself. 12-year-old Matheus Felipe Jesus Silva was born in thebcircus. That is, ever since he was a baby, he’s lived in a trailerb(a mobile home pulled by a car or a truck). His mother is a ballet dancer at CircoSpacial, where Matheus himself is also a performer since the age of 3. He started doing presentations with clowns and nowadays he is a trapeze artist (just like his dad, who works in Europe), equilibrist and acrobat.
As the circus travels all over Brazil, Matheus changes schools very often. He studies in the morning, has rehearsals in the afternoon and, at weekends, he performs in the circus ring. He says that this routine doesn’t disturb his studies and he wants to graduate in Physical Education. “But I want to work in the circus forever.” On account of the mobility of his life and his outgoing nature, Matheus makes new friends wherever he goes and keeps in touch with them through the internet. “Kids think that I have a peculiar way of life and come to the circus to watch my show,” he adds. On his days off, he likes to go to the movies, to the mall and to shows. Read on to see his favorite film, book, CD and website.
Revista TAM Kids, julho/agosto 2011.


Questão 1 ( 2,0 ponto ) One may say that Matheus
a) spends most of his time watching films and reading books.
b) will become the owner of the circus in a vey short future.
c) has vowed to act just like his father.
d) has no longer the wish of working as a circus performer in the future.
e) is an easy-going guy and gets acquainted well with others.

Questão 2 ( 2,0 pontos ) Which means of communication does Matheus usually use to get in touch with his pals?
a) Mail.
b) Phone.
c) Internet.
d) Post-office.
e) Letters.

Questão 3 ( 2,0 pontos ) How long has Matheus been working at the CircoSpacial?
a) For 9 years.
b) For 3 years.
c) For 12 years.
d) Since he was born.
e) Since his mother has delivered him.

Questão 4 ( 2,0 pontos ) One can relate ...”mobility of his life...” to the words
a) clowns and kids.
b) trucks and trailers.
c) circus and ballet dancers.
d) cars and lack of routine.
e) movies and new friends.

Questão 5 ( 2,0 pontos ) Which option pictures Matheus’ leisure?
a) mall x dancing.
b) presentation x studies.
c) sports x internet.
d) movies x shows.
e) book x circus ring.

Questão 6 ( 2,0 pontos ) What does Matheus’ father do for a living?
a) An acrobat.
b) An equilibrist.
c) A trapeze artist.
d) A clown.
e) A trailer driver.

Questão 7 ( 2,0 pontos ) The proverb “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” is equivalent in Portuguese to option
a) “O que não é visto, não é lembrado”.
b) “Pau que nasce torto, morre torto”.
c) “Elecaiu de maduro”.
d) “Quem nasce para maçã, nunca chega a uva”.
e) “Filho de peixe, peixinho é” .

Questão 8 ( 2,0 pontos ) The morphological function of the word “studies” as in
I-“He studies in the morning”
II-“...this routine doesn’t disturb his studies...” is, respectively,
a) adverb/verb.
b) noun/verb.
c) adjective/adverb.
d) verb/noun.
e) adverb/noun.

TEXT II – Para responder as questões 9 e 10.
I have a dream!
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born in 1929. He was a black American cleric who led the civil rights movement in favor of the black in the 1950’s and 1960’s. He won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize, four years before his assassination in Memphis, TN.
In one of his famous speeches, Luther King said: “I say to you today, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. I have a dream that my four children one day will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” His dream was that of a country where men would be truly equal.
(Adapted from Great People of Our Time, by Carol Christian)
Questão 9 ( 2,0 pontos ) De acordo com o texto, todas as alternativas estão corretas, EXCETO:
a) Luther King era um clérigo negro que liderou a luta por direitos civis nos Estados Unidos.
b) Luther King recebeu o Prêmio Nobel da Paz em 1964.
c) Luther King foi assassinado em 1968.
d) Luther King foi indicado para o Prêmio Nobel da Paz em 1964, mas não pode recebê-lo porque foi assassinado.
e) Luther King recebeu o Prêmio Nobel da Paz quatro anos antes de ser assassinado.

Questão 10 ( 2,0 pontos ) Qual era o sonho de Luther King?
a) Ele sonhava com um país onde negros e brancos não fossem julgados.
b) Ele sonhava em receber o Prêmio Nobel da Paz.
c) Ele sonhava com um país onde seus filhos fossem julgados, não pela cor de sua pele, mas pelo seu caráter.
d) Ele sonhava com um país onde não existissem raças diferentes.
e) Ele sonhava com um país onde negro e brancos mantivessem as suas diferenças.
Teenage employment
About two-thirds of U.S. high school students work with half putting in an average of twenty hours a week or more. Although few need to help support their families, American teenagers outwork others around the world. In boom nations such as Germany and Japan, teenage employment is rare and seldom involves more than five hours a week.
(Adapted from People Magazine)
Questão 11 ( 2,0 pontos ) De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa correta.
a) Os adolescentes americanos trabalham menos do que os adolescentes europeus.
b) A maior parte dos jovens americanos tem empregos de período integral.
c) Os adolescentes japoneses trabalham, em média, vinte horas por mês.
d) Poucos adolescentes americanos que trabalham precisam ajudar no orçamento familiar.
e) Os adolescentes europeus usualmente trabalham bem mais do que cinco horas por semana.

Questão 12 ( 2,0 pontos ) Assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz a seguinte frase: I have run out of vinegar.
a) Corri para buscar vinagre.
b) Derramei o vinagre.
c) Preciso sair para pegar vinagre.
d) Meu vinagre acabou.
e) Joguei fora o vinagre.

Questão 13 ( 6,0 pontos ) Faça a tradução do 1º texto.

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